Dr. Ron Paul: Biden’s Ministry Of Truth Has Dark Origins In History

Dr. Ron Paul: Biden's Ministry Of Truth Has Dark Origins In History

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:14 AM PT – Friday, May 6, 2022

Former congressman Ron Paul recently commented on what he called "the dark origins" of the Biden administration's so-called Disinformation Governance Board.

While speaking on his Liberty Report Thursday, Dr. Paul said American history knows examples of suppressing free speech, which includes censorship during Woodrow Wilson's presidency. He added, at that time America had been dragged into a global war because of restrictions on free speech.

"The bigger the government and the more likely to have an empire, the more the lies because truth is treasonous in an empire of lies," stated the former congressman.

Dr. Paul asserted that Democrats want to bring back censorship merely to achieve their political goals.

"It isn't that you can't do it, it's just that if you don't do it there way, have a board and have AOC, a few others and Nancy Pelosi decide what is truth and what is not, then that's when you really have problems," he remarked.

Dr. Paul also said the American people are capable of thinking for themselves without the government telling them what's true and what's false.

(*) OANN. Url: https://www.oann.com/dr-ron-paul-bidens-ministry-of-truth-has-dark-origins-in-history/

Mantan anggota kongres Ron Paul baru-baru ini mengomentari apa yang disebutnya "asal-usul gelap" dari apa yang disebut Dewan Tata Kelola Disinformasi pemerintahan Biden.
Saat berbicara di Liberty Report-nya Kamis, Dr. Paul mengatakan sejarah Amerika mengetahui contoh-contoh penindasan kebebasan berbicara, yang mencakup penyensoran selama kepresidenan Woodrow Wilson. Ia menambahkan, saat itu Amerika telah terseret ke dalam perang global karena pembatasan kebebasan berbicara.
"Semakin besar pemerintah dan semakin besar kemungkinan untuk memiliki kerajaan, semakin banyak kebohongan karena kebenaran adalah pengkhianatan dalam kerajaan kebohongan," kata mantan anggota kongres itu.
Sumber: OANN
